Friday 23 December 2011

Remembering the interesting game – Thayam

Remembering the interesting game – Thayam
    Common! Lets play and also build strong relationships in us! Just inviting the winter holidays by remembering our traditional ancient games! First comes my favorite Thayam (தாயம்).
    Happy writing this post, since I can recall my evergreen childhood days. Got spirited by lot of my grandma’s traditional indoor games, I used to play thayam more frequently. But nowadays, these games have a very rare picture. The game is also called as “Chathuranga”, which has a very ancient history as it takes an important picture in the epic “Mahabharatham”. The eldest of Pandavas, Yudhishthira and the eldest of Gouravas, Duryodhana play the wicked game - soothu thayam, in which the Pandavas were cunningly defeated and were sent to forest. Thus the game scene forms the important turning point in the epic.
Gaming procedure:
    The game is usually played with two or four players sitting around the thayam design drawn on floor or a wooden board. There are two types of design – the 7 X 7 squared and the 6 X 3 squared (as seen in the left and the right side of the image above). Each of the players should have different types of coins, varying either in color or in shape. They roll the dice or the thaya kattai and can start playing the game only if they get “1” in the dice. All the players get consecutive turns and move their coins according to the numbers that turn up in their dice. A player can roll his/her die again, if he/she gets 1, 5 or 6 in it. The coins are moved in a defined path. Coins of two different players cannot be placed in the same square; hence the previous coin is slashed out from the game and hence moved back to the initial position. But there are some exceptional cross-checked squares in the design, where coins of two or more players can stay. A player wins the game only when all of his/her coins reach the final destination at first.
    It was further modified as the Snake and Ladder game or the Paramapatham. It is said that this game indirectly teaches a good lesson in life - the ladders denotes the good virtues, so that grabbing them can give speedy success and the snakes represent the vices, thus touching them may push to dangerous lower positions in life. 
     Thus the game converts the leisure time, happier, interesting and develops mathematical knowledge too. The more special feature of the game is that, it can be played by enthusiastic minds of all age groups. Hope the budding new generation learn this game, play these native Indian games and spread the joy everywhere.
    Happy Holidays Guys!

Monday 12 December 2011

World celebrates Super Star Rajnikanth’s birthday

World celebrates Super Star Rajnikanth’s birthday
     The stylish hero of the Indian Film Industry Super Star Rajnikanth, turns 62 today (December 12, 2011). It is a great day for each of his fans, as they have started the celebrations earlier before a month. As one of his fans has posted in his facebook fan page that the day has to be celebrated as “World Style Day”, many preparations has been done to celebrate the day popularly as the same.

    Popularly called as THALAIVAR by his fans, he had made wonders in the Indian Film Industry. His unique delivery of dialogues, stylish gestures, energetic smart walks, trendy dance movements, and elegant dressing style has won millions of hearts round the world. His trademark mannerisms were greatly admired and were followed by many of his followers.

    His short punch dialogues were much famous among all age groups. Some of his all-time favorite dialogues are

நான் ரொம்ப கெட்ட... பையன் சார்!

இது எப்படி இருக்கு !

நான் நல்லவனுக்கு நல்லவன் கெட்டவனுக்கு கெட்டவன் டா !

நான் ஒரு தடவ சொன்னா நூறு தடவ சொன்ன மாதிரி !

நான் எப்ப வருவேன் எப்டி வருவேன்னு யாருக்கும் தெரியாது, ஆனா வரவேண்டிய நேரத்துல கண்டிப்பா வருவேன் !

அதிகமா ஆசைபடற ஆம்பளையும், அதிகமா கோபப்படற பொம்பளையும் நல்லா வாழ்ந்ததா சரித்திரமே கெடையாது !

என் வழி...  தனி வழி !

ஆண்டவன் சொல்றான், அருணாச்சலம் முடிக்கிறான் !

கதம்..  கதம் !

லக.. லக.. லக.. லக....

பேர சொன்னா சும்மா அதிருதுல !

பன்னிங்க தான் கூட்டமா வரும், சிங்கம் single - லா தான் வரும் !

Rich are getting richer! Poor are getting poorer!

    Born as Shivaji Rao Gaekward on December 12th, 1950 in Karnataka, in a simple family, he started his career as a bus conductor in the Bangalore Transport Service (BTS). He joined the Madras Film Institute in 1973 and was introduced in the Tamil Cinema by the legendary director K. Balachander in his film Apoorva Ragangal in the year 1975. From that day, he started shaking the Film Industry by his unique trend of acting. He grew as a well-established hero and was soon called as the Super Star of Tamil Cinema. Every film of the star was greatly expected, welcomed and the release day was celebrated as a grand festival by his numerous fans. 

    His birthday today is considered more important as he fell sick few months ago. During his medical treatment in Singapore, much customary worships were held in various parts of Tamil Nadu by his fans, which really touched his heart. This proved that his fans love him much apart from his cine career. His words have much importance that it can even decide the fate of the rulers of the state. Beyond his style, his enthusiasm, simplicity and spirituality have also gained many die-hard fans for him.

    On this bright day, we wish him 100 more years of good health. We expect more and more entertainment from you!

பிறந்த நாள் வாழ்த்துக்கள் தலைவா !! Thalaivar rockzzz!!!

Monday 5 December 2011

அமரர் கல்கி - ஒரு சகாப்தம்

அமரர் கல்கி - ஒரு சகாப்தம்

    அமரர் கல்கியை பற்றி ஒரு பக்க அளவில் சொல்ல வேண்டுமானால், உலகில் உள்ள கடல் நீரை எல்லாம் குடி நீராக மாற்றி அதில் ஒரு கை அள்ளி குடித்தால் எவ்வளவு குறைவாக இருக்குமோ, அவ்வளவு குறைவான அளவாகவே இதுவும் இருக்கும். இது மிகைபடுத்திய வாதம் அல்ல என்பது அவரை பற்றி அறிந்தோருக்கு நன்றாக தெரியும்.

    தமிழ் புத்தகம் படிக்கும் பழக்கம் இல்லாதவர்களுக்கு கூட, அவரின் "பொன்னியின் செல்வன்", "சிவகாமியின் சபதம்", "பார்த்திபன் கனவு", "கள்வனின் காதலி" போன்ற நாவல்களின் பெயர் மட்டுமேனும் தெரிந்திருக்கக் கூடும். அந்த அளவிற்கு தமிழ் மக்களின் மனங்களில் இடம் பெற்று இருப்பவர் அவர். அவருடைய கதைகள் மற்றும் நாவல்களின் தாக்கத்தை இன்றைக்கும் பல திரைப்படங்களில் காண முடிகிறது. அவரின் நாவல்கள் மற்றும் கதைகளின் பெயர்களில் நிறைய திரைப்படங்கள் வெளியாகி இருப்பதை நாம் அறிவோம். அவருடைய எழுத்துக்களை படிப்பவர்கள், "இது ஏதோ ஒரு படத்தில் வந்தது போல் உள்ளதே!" என்ற உணர்வு ஏற்படாமல் கீழே வைத்திருக்க மாட்டார்கள். காரணம் - கல்கியின் படைப்புக்களை படிக்காதவர்கள் கதை எழுத்தாளர்களாகவோ, திரைக்கதை அமைப்பவர்களாகவோ இருக்க வாய்ப்பே இல்லை.

    தமிழில், ஆங்கில படங்களுக்கு இணையாக கிராபிக்ஸ் தொழில்நுட்பம் இல்லையே என்று வருந்துவோருக்கு கல்கியின் வரலாற்று புதினங்கள் படித்தால் அதைவிட மேலானதொரு படம் படிப்பவர்கள் கண்முன் ஓடும் என்பது உறுதி. விடுதலைக்கு முன்னர் அவர் தன்னுடைய எழுச்சிமிகுந்த எழுத்துக்களின் மூலம் ஒரு அமைதியான புரட்சியையே உருவாக்கினார். அவருடைய "பார்த்திபன் கனவு", "சிவகாமியின் சபதம்" மற்றும் "சோலைமலை இளவரசி" போன்ற வரலாற்று நாவல்கள், வரலாற்றை மற்றுமல்லாமல் வீரத்தையும், சுதந்திர உணர்வையும் மக்களின் மனதில் நன்றாக பதிய செய்தது. மேலும், அரசர்களின் காலங்களில் எவ்வளவு போர்கள் நடந்திருந்தாலும், அந்த போர்களின் வன்முறைகளை பெரிது படுத்தாமல், அந்த வீர புருஷர்களின் வீர சாகசங்களையும், அஞ்சா நெஞ்சத்தையும், நாட்டுப்பற்று உணர்வையும் அழகான அஹிம்சை முறையில் வலியுறுத்தி எழுதுவதில் கல்கிக்கு நிகர் கல்கி மட்டும் தான் என்பதில் ஐயமில்லை. அவர் வரலாற்று நாவல்கள் மட்டுமின்றி பல சமூக நாவல்களும் படைத்திருக்கிறார். அவருடைய "கள்வனின் காதலி", "தியாக பூமி", "அபலையின் கண்ணீர்", "அலை ஓசை", "புன்னைவனத்து புலி" போன்ற சமூக நாவல்கள் மிகுந்த வரவேற்ப்பை பெற்றன.

    1899 - ஆம் ஆண்டு செப்டம்பர் மாதம் 9 - ஆம் நாள், புட்டமங்கலம் என்னும் ஊரில் பிறந்த அவர், மகாத்மா காந்திஜியின் ஒத்துழையாமை இயக்கத்தால் ஈர்க்கப்பட்டு தன்னுடைய 22 - ஆம் வயதில் இந்திய தேசிய காங்கிரஸில் இணைந்தார். இந்திய சுதந்திர போராட்டத்தில் ஈடுபட்டு சிலமுறை சிறை சென்றிருக்கிறார். சிறையில் திரு. ராஜகோபலாச்சாரி மற்றும் சதாசிவம் போன்றோர்களின் நட்பு கிடைத்ததின் மூலம் பத்திரிக்கை துறையில் நுழைந்தார். திரு. வி. கல்யாணசுந்தரம் அவர்களின் "நவசக்தி" என்ற நாளிதழின் துணை ஆசிரியராக செயல்பட்டு தனது முதல் நாவலான "சாரதியின் தந்திரம்" என்ற நூலை 1927 - ஆம் ஆண்டு வெளியிட்டார். பிறகு "ஆனந்த விகடன்" என்ற வார இதழில் பண்ணியாற்றினார். "கல்கி", "ரா. கி", "தமிழ் தேனீ", "கர்நாடகம்" என்ற பல புனை பெயர்களில் அவர் எழுதிய பல சிறுகதைகளும், தொடர்கதைகளும் அவ்விதழில் வெளியாகின.

    கல்கி அவதாரம் என்பது விஷ்ணு பகவானின் பத்தாவது அவதாரமாகும். கலியுகத்தை ஒரு முடிவுக்கு கொண்டு வரவும், இவ்வுலகில் தருமத்தை நிலைநாட்டுவதற்காகவும் எடுக்கப்படும் அவதாரம் என்று இந்து சமுதாயத்தில் நம்பப்படுகின்றது. ரா. கிருஷ்ணமூர்த்தி என்ற இயற்பெயர் கொண்ட அவர் தனது எழுத்துக்கள் மூலம் இவ்வுலகில் நிறைய மாற்றங்களை உருவாக்க எண்ணினார். மேலும் தன்னுடைய நம்பிக்கைக்கும், மரியாதைக்கும் பாத்திரமான திரு. கல்யாண சுந்தர முதலியார் அவர்களின் பெயரில் உள்ள "கல்" என்ற வார்த்தையையும், தன் பெயரின் முதல் எழுத்தான "கி" என்ற எழுத்தையும் இணைத்து "கல்கி" என்ற புனைபெயரை தனக்கு சூட்டிக் கொண்டார்.

    பின்பு 1941 - ஆம் ஆண்டு தனது நண்பர் சதாசிவத்துடன் இணைந்து "கல்கி" என்ற வார இதழை ஆரம்பித்து நடத்தி வந்தார். அந்த மகா எழுத்தாளர் 1954 - ஆம் ஆண்டு டிசம்பர் மாதம் 5 - ஆம் நாள் அகால மரணமடைந்தார். அவருடைய 57 - வது நினைவு நாள் இன்று (டிசம்பர் 5, 2011) அனுசரிக்கப்படுகின்றது. அவரது மறைவுக்கு பின்னர் , 1956 - ஆம் ஆண்டு அவருடைய "அலை ஓசை" என்ற நாவலுக்கு சாகித்ய அகாடமி விருது வழங்கப்பட்டது.

    அவர் மாண்டாலும் அவருடைய படைப்புக்கள் அவர் பெயரை என்றும் நினைவுப்படுத்திக் கொண்டே இருக்கும்.
    வாழ்க உனது புகழ் ! வாழ்க உனது எழுத்துக்கள் !

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Remembering N. S. Krishnan on his birthday

Remembering N. S. Krishnan on his birthday

    The multi-faceted popular personality of Tamil Cinema, Kalaivanar Shri. N. S. Krishnan is honorably remembered today as his 103rd birthday falls this day (29th November). 
    He is well known for his meaningful innovative comedy in the early 1940s and 1950s. Although he is popularly established as a comedian, he is a writer, a singer and a theatre artist too. Born on 29th November 1908 at a small village near Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, he has acted in almost 120 Tamil films. His comedies not only made people laugh but also made them think. He aptly mixed the flavor of humor to the serious social issues that were prevailing on his days and hence he created a silent revolution through his films. His unique farsighted dialogues were more mind-provoking, and hence he was titled as “Puratchi Vikada venthan” by the famous poet Bharathidasan

    As Charlie Chaplin attracted the total mass those days through his speech-less funny action movies, the same kind of response was created by N. S. Krishnan too, but by his reverse style i.e., comparatively lesser movements and more dialogues. Apart from his cine face, he was personally light hearted, very noble and a great philanthropist. He naturally helps people in trouble to his extent. He has organized many charity shows to raise funds and to help the needy. He spent his short life acting, singing, entertaining, traveling, conducting many cultural shows, charity shows etc. More than all, he enjoyed his life and his profession too.  

    NSK comedy track in a film can create wonders. The film will be a sure super hit movie. Thus the man has made a deep mark by his brilliant films and his graceful character. He is a wonderful role-model for many young actors today. The incomparable artist expired on 30th August 1957, when he was just 48, but he lives forever in the memories of his enormous fans.

Architectural grandeur of Orissa – the Rajarani temple

The Rajarani temple, Bhubhaneshwar, Orissa
The temple gets its name as it was built by red and yellow sandstone locally named as “Rajarani”. The temple was mainly devoted to Lord Shiva and hence also called as the Indreswara temple. It is also known as the “Love temple”, as it is entirely contains many feminine sculptures and sculptures of sensual couples. The temple is built in the 11th century and is located amidst beautiful paddy fields and amidst colorful blooming flower gardens in Old Bhubhaneshwar.

The amazing high-relief sculptures all around the walls of the temple is a real treat to see. The temple is well constructed on a raised platform. The sculptures of dikpalas (Gods guarding the eight directions -  Indra, Agni, Nirriti, Varuna, Vaayu, Kubera, Yama and Ishana) and dancing deities engraved on the walls are the main highlights of the temple. The cluster of architectural tall towers reminds the Khajuraho temples. The pyramidal Jagamohana (porch) and the square sanctum appears ruined with ages.

The temple is a best example of the Kalinga architecture. Its graceful sculptures remains long in the minds of art lovers.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Nuclear power plants and the confusions

Nuclear power plants and the confusions
    I personally have some confusion regarding the Nuclear power plants. I do think that these confusions may prevail in many others like me. These are merely confusions! Not fears!
    Creating more employment opportunities in India is definitely appreciable. If the opportunities created are in more constructive manner, it will be really accepted happily by people. But, if they turn as threats to them, what will be the ultimate reaction? This is what happening nowadays in Koodankulam.
    Opening nuclear plants is highly supported by the central government, many scientists, politicians and even many people of India. They put forth the positive features of the power plants to increase public support for their side. Primarily, the plant can resolve the power cut problems and secondly, nuclear weapon in the hands of the nation really proves to be a safety measure, warning the opposite countries – these are the main reasons provided for the development of nuclear power plants in India.
    On the other case, the Protestants show their continuous opposition putting forth various scientific and protective issues that may create future health problems.
    Why can’t the amount spent for the development of the nuclear power plants, be used for the production of electricity from other productive measures? – is their question put forth in front of the government officials. This is of course unanswered still.
    Hence the reasons for their protest are pretty clear. But the government and the media are propagating that people are unaware of the output, working and safety of the power plants and hence they are scared of it. Again and again the central government is trying to clear the panic against the plants. As a result, media is constantly getting good news regarding the issue.

Now these are my confusions –
1.    If presence of a Nuclear weapon threatens the opposite countries of the nation, why it will not threaten the common people of India?
2.    Safety issues – In this case, the countries Japan and America has to be taken into consideration. In the former country, people are already facing many disorders as a result of nuclear leakage. On the latter case, the well grown country of the World, America usually conducts power tests in other lonely islands or in areas apart from America where the population is much less. What is the reason for it? Of course, safety is the only issue. So why don’t India also consider it?

    Scientists say that bus, train, aeroplane etc., also created panic in people when they are initially introduced. But now, they are just a part of life. According to them, this is also the similar one. But the common confusion is – are the consequences of the bus, train or plane accidents and the effects due to the nuclear accidents are the same? Is it comparable?
    Further, officials are well sure of the various safety measures done in the plants, and hence they say that there is no meaning for worries regarding it. But, whatever may be the boom in technology, manual mistakes play a major role too. For example, the aviation engineering has undergone tremendous improvement now. The totally mechanical Auto pilot technology accurately recognizes each and every scale of the earth texture using RADAR concepts etc. But in spite of this extraordinary boom, many air accidents occur due to technology failure and manual mistakes too. Hence all these statistics has to be taken into consideration to decide about the development of the nuclear power plants in India. On the whole manual defects, technology defects, safety defects or any other may cause problems in the power plants which may affect the scientists, workers, labors and people involved in the nuclear power production too. Also it may stay a threat for the generations to follow. For God’s sake, this must never occur in India.
    Hence, even though the importance of electricity is thoroughly known, even though many scientists including Dr. Abdul Kalam insist the necessity of power production, I personally cannot accept the nuclear plants in India.
    This is not a fear to be easily removed off from the Indian hearts. These are the strong concepts, well analyzed and well understood knowledge. So, please don’t repeatedly confuse us that we are in mere terror. We are damn clear of our requests!

Monday 21 November 2011

Kabaddi Cups in Indian pockets

Kabaddi Cups in Indian pockets

Team India once again proved that they are the real masters of Kabaddi. India bagged an enormous victory over Canada in the interesting Men’s Kabaddi World Cup Finals played yesterday, the 20th of November 2011, at the Guru Nanak Dev Stadium in Ludhiana, Punjab. 

In the biggest final match conducted yesterday, the Indian Men attained an easy win over the Canadians 59-25 and lifted up the prestigious winners title. Thus India has pocketed the World Kabaddi Cup consecutively for the second time, proving again that the country was the birthplace of the spirited sport. The runners-up of the 2010 Cup, Pakistan bagged the third place this year beating Italy 60-22 in the match to decide the third position on the same day.

On the other side, Indian women have also proved that they are not less than the men of the country. They comfortably won their opponent team Britain 44-17 in the grand Women’s Finals held yesterday (20th Nov, 2011).

Prize money of Rs. 2 crore and the Cup was awarded to the wining team by the Punjab Chief minister, Mr. Prakash Singh Badal. The runners-up were awarded a cash prize of Rs. 1 crore. The Chief Minister also offered Government jobs to all the players of the winning teams. Former Pakistan Prime Minister Chaudhary Shujaat Hussain graced the function.

Many special performances and glittering fireworks filled the hearts and minds of the viewers of the glitzy closing ceremony. Bollywood stars Akshay Kumar and Deepika Padukone entertained the mass and thus the 20-day enthusiastic game came to a beautiful end.

Special Congrats to the winners! Hip! Hip! Hoorayy! Keep up the good work! We wish the game gain more importance in future and reach many young hearts of the World.

Saturday 19 November 2011

Queen of Jhansi – Lakshmi Bai

Queen of Jhansi – Lakshmi Bai
    The brave Queen of Jhansi, Lakshmi Bai’s 181st birthday is celebrated today (19th November 2011). Born on 19th November 1835, the young woman was considered to be the heroine of the first war of Indian Freedom fight. She is one of the marvelous examples of Indian bravery, and is still greatly praised for her extreme courage in the war fields. 
    She was named Manikarnika by her parents, and was renamed as Lakshmi Bai after she got married to the King of Jhansi, Raja Gangadhar Rao Newalkar. Though she was crowned as the Queen of Jhansi at the age of seven, the spirited lady faced lot of hardships in her life. Her tutor Tatya Tope gave her excellent training in self defence, horsemanship and archery. She attained motherhood at the age of 16. But unfortunately, her son Damodar Rao died when he was just four months old. Then the couple adopted a child named Anand Rao and renamed him Damodar Rao in rememberance of their lost son. In spite of it, the Raja expired at 1853, unable to revive from the son’s death. The British Government refused to accept the adopted child as the legal heir for the throne and hence Lord Dalhousie of the East India Company decided to buy the empire. They came forth to pay Rs. 60,000 as a pension to the 18-year old young widow and ordered her to leave the fort. But the brave lady firmly stated that she will never surrender her kingdom to the British. As a result, she was cunningly defeated at a battle with them at 1857. 

     She escaped with her only son and with some of her women guards, collected more rebel forces and attacked Gwalior with more confidence. She defeated the King of Gwalior and occupied the fort. But however, she was again attacked by the British forces at 1858. Fighting furiously at the battle field, the bold lady lost her soul on 17th June 1858, when she was just 23.
    Apart from her bravery, she was a light hearted woman ready to help the needy at any time. She was a beautiful radiant young woman well skilled in swordmanship and shooting too. The Raja married her attracted by her beauty, bravery and her helping heart. She was so spiritual too, never missing her meditation and prayers, fond of Ramayan and she usually muttered Bhagavad Gita even at the boiling battle fields.
    Greatly inspired by the woman of confidence, News Chips proudly dedicates this post to the great Indian warrior, well remembered for her bravery for ages to come. She is a marvel in Indian History.

Friday 18 November 2011

Price rise! Pressure rise!

What is necessary? Price rise or Free gifts?
    People of India are already facing many financial problems nowadays. Since the price rise of petroleum products, vegetables, provisions etc in the past few years have caused much pressure on the common people, they have opted for the change in Tamil Nadu Government. But changes in ruling parties have proved nothing but rise in the financial pressure again. 

     Public are already longing for decrease in prices of food products. In this condition, sudden extreme rise of milk and bus ticket prices have really given peak shock to the all levels of the Tamil people. Although there was regular increase in the petrol and diesel rates for the past ten years, price rise in the bus fares were not officially announced. Many luxury buses were introduced and the price slots of those buses were fixed, but hike of the normal bus fares were not made since December 2001. This was the first official price rise announced after 10 years. 

     The per km ticket fare of ordinary mofussil buses has rised from 28 paise to 42 paise, express and semi-deluxe bus fares has increased from 32 paise to 56 paise, super deluxe buses are now charging 60 paise instead of 38 paise and the ultra deluxe bus rates are 70 paise rather than being 52 paise. The minimum bus fare in urban areas other than Chennai is Rs.3 (Rs.2 earlier) and the maximum is Rs. 12 (earlier Rs.7). In Chennai the minimum rate has gone up to Rs.3 (from Rs.2) and the maximum has risen to Rs. 14 (from Rs.12). In the other case, the price of toned milk per litre has been revised from Rs. 17.75 to Rs. 24. The news was announced yesterday (Nov 16th, 2011) and was brought into immediate practice on the same day night. Thus these shocking prices have definitely led to the big drain of the common man’s budget.

     Tamil Nadu Government grumbles that the Central government is not providing them sufficient finance even after multiple requests and also charges the previous rulers for total drain of the state’s treasury. So, it says the rise in milk and bus fares is required in order to equalize / manage the drain. Even though various reasons were provided for this sudden hike, the burden is too extreme to be handled. Hence it is clear the state government follows the same path as that of the Central by imposing heavy burden on the common man to overcome their financial drain. 

     Instead, why don’t the managing parties think of any other alternate remedy to sweep away the problem? Another important field which brings high revenue to the government is the sales in the tasmac shops. Rise in those products and any other luxurious products might never cause such an opposition from common men. 

     The ruling Tamil Nadu party made many promises at its election campaigns. It announced that mixies, grinders, laptops, fans, cows, goats etc will be given free of cost. The party thinks that fulfilling those promises will maintain its good will. Hence in order to do it, the ruling party is in a position to improve its treasury. 
But, is it necessary to increase the state’s treasury through these heavy price hikes and use it for providing free gifts to the public? 

Is this the right way to fulfill those promises?

Will people feel happy getting the free gifts on one side and facing the heavy fares of the essential commodities on the other? Definitely NO.
The reaction is truly completely different. This immediate hike has definitely decreased the good will of the current ruling party. Will the party understand it and reconsider its decisions? 

Shall we hope that the ruling government will rollback these extreme increase in milk and bus ticket rates?

Thursday 17 November 2011

Welcome little Aishwarya Rai

Welcome little Aishwarya Rai
    It was a great day for the Bachchans yesterday, the 16th of November 2011 as the most awaited child was born to the famous Bollywood couple of India. Since the baby's photo was not released still, News chips proudly presents the photograph of little beauty for the first time (just a imagination.. ha.. ha..) Along with the filmy music that was always heard in the family, a new beautiful voice has now begun to sound, that will definitely overcome all other music ever. 

     The most loved World beauty of India Aishwarya Rai and the Big B’s only son Abhishek Bachchan got married earlier on April 20, 2007 and their offspring was most expected by all their fans. The long wait, lots of gambling and various speculations came to an end, once the happy family confirmed the arrival of the Junior Miss. World yesterday, early by 10 am in the morning. Aish’s parents Krishnaraj Rai and Vrinda, her brother Aditya Rai, her husband Abhishek Bachchan, her in-laws Amitabh Bachchan, Jaya Bachchan and Amitabh’s only daughter Shweta Nanda were besides the new mother on the auspicious moment. 
    It is considered to be the greatest celebration time for the total film industry as the Bachchan’s family was called as the “first family”of Bollywood. Thousands of tweets, emails, messages were being sent to the family wishing the new arrival. 
    Congratulationssss... to the new Mommie and Daddie.. And a hearty welcome the cute prettiest baby girl of the World. :)

   Let us also wish the new parents and their family with a great bundle of joy and a very happy life to follow.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Kanimozhi’s Jail days

The DMK MP M K Kanimozhi is spending her tough times at Tihar Jail, being rejected bail plea in the CBI Court once again. Arrested in connection to one of the biggest corruption scandals of India, the 2G Spectrum allocation case, she spends her lonely days in jail mostly fighting against her emotions, reading books and writing Tamil poems. 
    She is arrested on May 20, 2011 for allegedly accepting Rs. 200 crore around the time of the 2G scandal. Her lawyers say that the amount was received as a loan and that was paid back. 

    Her father, the DMK patriarch Dr Karunanidhi has been very popular in writing tamil poems and stories for years. Being his favourite daughter, Kanimozhi is also spending her days writing poems in the isolated cell number 6 of the women’s jail.

Millions of hearts beats for Sachin

Millions of hearts beats for Sachin

The heart beat riser Sachin Tendulkar is the main talk of the town today. Usually each and every heart beats when he is in field with a score of 99, waiting for his century. And now, he is in field keeping 99 international centuries in hand. The heart beats are now turning wilder waiting for his century of centuries! 

Come on, Sachin! We long for biggest ever of your records!

The record breaker Sachin is still thirstier in field even after breaking more records. Any other new comer has to work a lifetime to overcome his records. There is a doubt too.. Can a lifetime effort break all his records?

He is the highest run scorer in both Test and ODI matches. He has won most number of Man of the Series and Man of the match awards, with the World’s highest number of Man of the Matches against Australia. He was one among the five cricketers to win the Wisden Cricketer of the year in 1997, was rated as the second greatest Test batsman after Sir Donald Bradman by Wisden in 2002, was rated as No.1 all time Greatest ODI player by Wisden in 2003 followed by Vivin Richards at No.2 and was the one to win Wisden Cricketer of the year in 2010. The Time Magazine described him as one of the Asian heroes, Times of India nominated him as The Face of new India, he was voted as the Greatest Sportsman of the country in the Best Of India poll conducted by Zee News, he was declared as the Sports Icon of the year for 21 years by NDTV and he was also named as the Sports person of the year 2006. He record list continues…

Most of the cricket lovers are lovers of Sachin too. Talking to them, more and more fantastic information about him can be revealed. He holds such an interesting list of records. He is the role model of many young flourishing players round the World. Though thousands of hearts beats loud for him, he stays calm in the field just loving his cricket. His love for cricket never ends. Cheers to the Master Blaster for more records and more centuries to come.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

K J Yesudas hits 50

K J Yesudas hits 50

Most music lovers of the world are fond of the voice of the music legend - Padma Bhushan Dr K J Yesudas. He started his career in the film industry on 14th of November 1961 in the Malayalam movie Kaalpadugal and thus he completes 50 successful years of playback singing, this year. He celebrated his Golden Jubilee as a singer on 14th of November 2011.

The music marvel has sung more than 50000 songs in various languages such as Malayalam, Tamil, Hindi, Kannada, Telugu, Bengali, Gujarati, Oriya, Marathi, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Tulu, Malay, Russian, Arabic, English and Latin. Born on 10th January 1940 in Cochin, the music genius has crossed many many hardships in life to attain this honorary position. The tough fight over poverty and the struggle to keep up his career in his early years is a lesson to all growing young hearts of today’s World.

His soothing voice and clear pronounciation of syllables in all languages in which he has sung is incomparable and has been appreciated a lot. His songs have won millions of hearts and have also won many awards too. In this half-a-century of musical journey, he has won seven National awards, 23 State Film Awards in Kerala, 8 State Film Awards in Tamil Nadu, 5 State Film Awards in Karnataka, 6 State Film Awards in Andhra Pradesh, 1 State Film Award in West Bengal and many more. The sensational singer has been honored with the Padma Shri Award in the year 1975 and with Padma Bhushan in 2002. 

His graceful melody songs will be ever admired by all soft hearts. His heart-melting devotional songs will be always cherished by all spiritual minds. His classical songs will forever stay in the hearts of thousands of fans of Indian classical music. On the whole, his voice will be enjoyed until music lasts in this World.

News Chips is also an admirer of his wonderful voice. The contribution of the renowned singer is still more expected and his 100th year celebration in the World of Music is the ultimate desire of all his lovers round the globe.

Monday 14 November 2011

Children's Day celebration

Happy Children's Day

Its the day of joy, day of laughter, day of innocence, day of colors, day of celebration and its the day to celebrate the childhood. It's the fabulous CHILDRENS DAY.

Though it is celebrated on different days all over the world, the auspicious falls today, the 14th of November, in India. The day is the birth day of the first Prime Minister of India, Pandit  Jawaharlal Nehru, who was fond of children and roses. He used to compare children as buds and said that children have to brought up with extreme care and affection as they are the real strength of the country and better citizens of tomorrow. He was called "Chacha Nehru" by his beloved Indian children.

On this day, many cultural programmes, competitions etc., are held in almost all schools of India. Children are fully engaged with lot of fun and happiness. This is the only day they are temporary relieved from bulky books, tiring homeworks and are totally excited in all the activities they take part.

As today's children are the foundation of tomorrow's society, its our duty to nurture each and every child in the best manner ever. Its the age in which they learn a lot, hence elders have to provide them enough chances and full freedom to learn more from day to day happenings taking place around us. School is not the only place to learn. Children learn from the each and every thing they see. In general, infants are more attracted towards colors and shapes. A bunch of color pencils or crayons can turn your living room into an artistic place, if given to a innocent child. Every child is a born artist. They develop to challenging scientists, engineers, artists, doctors etc etc.. only when they are properly encouraged in life.

So let us build a healthy future with the tiny tender hands. News Chips heartily wishes all kids of the world A very joyous Children's Day.

Saturday 12 November 2011

Ravichandran Ashwin is no more single

Ravichandran Ashwin is no more single

The most promising spinner of team India - Ravichandran Ashwin has turned double today (November 13, 2012). He has clasped hands with his well known beautiful school mate Preethi Narayanan. He is flying back to Kolkata today afternoon, soon after the marriage ceremony, to taste his love for cricket, since he is engaged to play in the second test series starting tomorrow. The key spinner of the Chennai Super Kings team has been engaged earlier this year and had planned to restrict the number of his wedding invitations distributed, only to the close family members and friends of the families.
The 25 year-old young chap is beginning his new life after his successful start in his Test career. His successful nine wickets in the recent test debut against West Indies had made many heads turn towards his amazing performance. May be, he has shown his topmost performance in this test match to get a rare gift (the Man of the Match trophy) to his new wife :)

Hope the marriage may have some traditional aspects in it, like playing flower ball with the bride (as depicted in the picture). Shall we expect a carrom ball from you in this ceremony too, Ashwin ?

News Chips wishes him a colorful life, both on and off the field. We also wish him a long successful life both in Indian cricket and in the family.

The unbroken bond between Politics and Cinema

The unbroken bond between Politics and Cinema
    Cine stars are been frequently used for publicity of political parties. This has been a common practice from those days. 
    In general, people admire and become fans for artists belonging to different fields. He may be a sports person, a journalist, a writer, a speaker, a painter etc. People enjoy the real talents of those celebrities in their respective fields. Similar admiration prevails for the celebrities belonging to the cine field too. Cine actors win the hearts of the mass by expressing their acting talent, their beauty or their sense of humor. Stars are usually not admired due to their life principles or their policies.

    But a political party or a politician is admired/followed only because of the policies he follows in life, his humanitarian activities, his speaks, his thoughts etc. People never follow a politician attracted by his beauty or his comic sense. But nowadays, once a person (an actor, mostly) gains popularity and earns a considerable number of fans, political parties try to make use of them for their political familiarity. So fans of the real talents are confused with that of the politics. This may lead to blind followers of the parties or in the other case, may lead to loss of fame of the particular celebrity. Hence the original talent may sometimes lose value. 
    Anyone can jump into politics. It is the right of all Indians. A common man takes a long time to gain importance in a political party, just bagging some fine policies alone. But on the other hand, a film star can easily succeed in politics using his/her popularity. In general, only when common people become totally aware that a politician should not be followed blindly only because of the craze in him, politics and Indian democracy will really flourish in World.
    On the whole, we Indians heartily welcome stars in politics or as ruling members, only if they are strong in their principles too. As India proves to be the greatest democratic country in the World, strong public support is necessary for valid politicians/parties to change the future of Mother India.

Aussies just escape from the World’s lowest ever total in test cricket

Aussies hurt in Australia v South Africa test
Fight between the equally talented Cricket teams Australia and South Africa ended in an enormous victory for the South Africans. Aussies were completely slammed by the tremendous bowling power of the opposite side. This was the third lowest total (47 – all out) for which the team has been totally bowled out in the history of Australian test series played so far. The previous lowest totals were 44 against England in the year 1896 and 36 versus England again in the year 1902.
Australian collapse was never been expected since it was very strong by a lead of 188 runs at the end of the first innings. But, the second innings was a totally different story; the extraordinary bowlers of the South African team turned the scorecard to 21 for 9 in no time. The last pair Peter Siddle and Nathan Lyon rescued the team from being bowled out before 26, the lowest of totals in the World Test series (by New Zealand v England in 1955). 

The third umpire was also very busy since he has to make nine reviews, as twenty three wickets fell for a score of 294 on the same day. The captain of the Aussi team is still very confident that they will express their extraordinary bowling and batting talents in the next series to regain their position. 

Will the Australian Kangaroo revive from the wound and jump well in the next series?

Friday 11 November 2011

The handsome hero Leonardo DiCaprio turns thirty seven

Leonardo DiCaprio - Titanic secret
Titanic secret unveiled - Do you know the charming hero Jack Dawson (role played in the 11 Oscar award winner film “Titanic”) have replaced a duplicate necklace, being aware that the beautiful heroine Rose (Kate Winslet) will throw it in the ocean in future. So, the original piece is still with the hero. Hence he shines as bright as the diamond! 
The famous Hollywood actor, Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio is celebrating his 37th birthday today (November 11, 2011). Born in Los Angeles, CA, the actor has started his career as a television artist and has now grown up as one of the leading American actor cum film producer. He has starred in many hit films including Romeo+Juliet (1996), James Cameron’s Titanic (1997), Catch Me If You Can (2002), The Aviator (2004), Inception (2010) and many more.

Starting his filmy career in the horror movie Critters 3 (1991), he has won the Golden Globe award for his best performance in “The Aviator”. The list of awards for which he has been nominated till date and that he has won is too long to be added in this post. His production company named Appian Way has produced some films like Gardener of Eden (2007) and Orphan (2009).

On this promising day, News Chips happily wishes him fruitful long life and a path full of success.

Thursday 10 November 2011

7-aam Arivu Vs Velayudham – Is the competition healthy?

7-aam Arivu Vs Velayudham

The biggest Diwali release films of Kollywood - A. R. Murugadoss’ “7-aam Arivu” and Jeyam Raja’s “Velayudham” are facing lots of comments and comparisons in almost all social networks and many of the websites nowadays. 
The two popular heroes Surya and Vijay are well known friends from their college days and have acted some hit films together. But, is the competition prevailing now - good? News Chips likes to discuss about the core of this competition.

Some articles say that the former movie had overtaken the latter one and some other articles register just in the opposite manner. Even hot discussions/fights are going on between the fans of the two actors in Facebook, Google+ etc. Surya fans constantly criticize Velayudham’s scenes and on the other end, Vijay fans condemn the enormous publicity made months before the release of the film, the over expectation developed for the movie and the flattering speeches about the artists and the technicians involved in the film  7th sense. 

In spite of the real challenge, it’s been greatly ignited by the political background involved in the movies. The two major political parties of Tamil Nadu are influencing the success of their films a lot. Hence the supporters of the opposite parties are showing the part of their revenge on the famous heroes today. There was a fight between the fans of Vijay and Ajith ruling Kollywood so far, but recently its now between Vijay and Surya. Now the real question arises - Is this the political fight or the fight between the skills? Naturally, politics plays a major role. This political influence has ultimately affected the true reviews of the pictures, the performance review of the actors and the technical aspects involved in it. Hence it has led to the confusion whether to trust these reviews. It has also greatly affected the individual revenue too.

As it is well known that the strong competition between the major political parties are existing for years, it has protruded in all fields, especially in fields which majorly attracts the mass, and of course, in which the revenue is also abundant.

Competition between talents is really a matter to be encouraged, but we have to think –
Is the competition healthier?